Credit Card Debt Consolidation Do you have too much credit card debt? A great way to lessen your burden when it comes to excessive credit card debt is to consolidate it. This is where you create another loan that will pay off your previous debt at a lower interest rate. This should effectively lower your monthly payments. If you maintain the payments you were making before your credit card debt consolidation then you … [Read more...]
The best way to get out of debt
What is the best way to get out of debt? There are only 2 ways to get out of debt, make more money or reduce your expenses. Both of those options include discipline and budgeting. How to make more money? This may sound silly but sometimes just making a little more money can make your financial life more manageable. Here are a couple of ideas of how to make more money. If you are currently employed maybe there is a … [Read more...]
Simple Debt Reduction Plan
If you've finally gotten to the place in your life where you are ready to really put together a debt reduction plan that makes sense for you than these steps may help you out. Step 1: Your debts Before you can get a firm handle on how to take care of your debt you need to take a moment to jot them all down in one place. List them by how much you owe, interest rate, monthly payment Step 2: Income vs. … [Read more...]
Does it make sense to Consolidate Debt?
To Consolidate Debt or not to Consolidate Debt? That is the question. The answer is ... most likely yes. If you have the creditworthiness to have several higher interest rate debts consolidated to a lower interest rate than it's hard to see why it wouldn't make sene to do. When thinking about consolidating your debt there is really only two considerations to make, will you have lower monthly payments and will you pay … [Read more...]
Top 3 ways to consolidate your debt now!
What does it mean to consolidate debt? The short answer of what it means to consolidate debt is to bundle all or a portion of your current outstanding debt load and combine the balances owed and reduce the interest rate to on all of them to come up with a single payment that should be far less that all of the payments that were due combined. Should you consolidate debt? That is a great question that does not have a … [Read more...]
Credit Card Debt Consolidation
Credit Card Debt Consolidation In the simplest of terms a credit card debt consolidation program is the process of negotiating with your current creditors to consolidate all of your indidual high interest rate credit card payments for one, lower monthly payment. If you 've found yourself with more credit card debt than you can handle and your monthly payments have become overwhelming than a credit card debt … [Read more...]
Using home equity as a debt solution
Using your home equity as a debt solution. If you are in the enviable position of having equity in your home and/or investment property right now but are burdened with other creditors than this may be a debt solution worth looking into. The way to have access to the money that is in the value of your house without selling to a new buyer is to refinance. By refinancing you are taking equity out of your property and will … [Read more...]
Types of Debt
Debt Check out this great infographic outlining the types of debt most people accumulate and how to avoid them. Credit Card Debt The US holds approximately 1 trillion dollars in outstanding credit card debt. With all of this debt, chances are good that you or someone you know have contributed to this total. Avoid one of the biggest debt traps by keeping credit card usage low and paying off balances each month and … [Read more...]
Check your Credit Card Ratings
Benefits of good credit ratings Let's talk about rating your credit card and what it can do for you. Are you feeling the love from your credit card company? Many credit card issuers offer perks to get your business. The benefits typically increase with better credit scores and credit histories. Here's a rundown of the most popular offerings so you can see how your credit card stacks up. Remember the best offers goes … [Read more...]
Do-It-Yourself Credit Card Debt Consolidation
When the economy was still fit as a fiddle and life was a bed of roses, credit card companies were the consumers’ best friend. But as the economy went downhill, the roses became nails in the form of unemployment, a pile of unpaid financial obligations, including credit card debt, collection letters and harassing collection calls from creditors. As if the other financial obligations are not enough, dealing with credit card … [Read more...]