Don't let credit card eat you alive Grrrr.... Credit Card Debt.... You've got it, it's like a tick that keeps sucking the blood from your bank account. I'm writing in jest. Credit Card Debt isn't the end of the world. It can however make your life very difficult if you don't manage it well. Why is it such a big deal? Mostly because the amount of interest most people pay on their credit cards is 10-25% and if you … [Read more...]
Top 3 Debt Consolidation options
Top 3 Debt Consolidation options Debt Consolidation Having a tremendous amount of debt can be stressful. Your credit cards bills are huge, and you have other loans that you are required to pay each month. You need to quickly find some relief for your mounting debt problems. One way to eliminate your debt is by debt consolidation. By consolidating your debt, you will pay less money in interest, and your debt will be … [Read more...]
Top 4 reasons to ditch that credit card debt
Sinking in Debt: Four Reasons to Avoid Using Credit Cards American credit card owners have an average credit card debt of $15,799.00. This is a staggering statistic. Financial experts are advising that people should either limit credit card spending or cut it out altogether. Here are four reasons why financial experts are concerned with credit card spending, and why you should be, too! 1. … [Read more...]
4 examples of Good Debt
4 examples of Good Debt Some talking heads and financial gurus advise people to avoid debt in any situation. Without a doubt, there are some good reasons one should borrow money to improve their future. Here are four examples when it is okay to take on debt. 1. School When attending trade school or a university, one can increase their earnings potential exponentially. In fact, after graduating high school, one must … [Read more...]
Get your Credit Counseling on
How Credit Counseling Helps Consumers? Amidst today’s tough economic times, consumers are increasingly finding themselves unable to meet their financial obligations. Sudden illness or injury, layoff, and pay cuts can wreak pecuniary havoc on the best people. With overall unemployment and underemployment rates at record highs, folks are seeking professional assistance just to maintain modest standards of … [Read more...]
The best way to get out of debt
What is the best way to get out of debt? There are only 2 ways to get out of debt, make more money or reduce your expenses. Both of those options include discipline and budgeting. How to make more money? This may sound silly but sometimes just making a little more money can make your financial life more manageable. Here are a couple of ideas of how to make more money. If you are currently employed maybe there is a … [Read more...]
Debt Advice for Teens
A little heeded debt advice as a teen can make the transition in to adult hood easier financially. How? By using debt wisely you will have the knowledge and foresight to see the impacts of your decisions around debt and can use that to your advantage. Let's start with an overview of what it means to be in debt. Then we'll go in to unsecured debt vs. secured debt, interest rates and credit scores and while they all … [Read more...]
Is consumer debt sinking you?
What is consumer debt? Consumer debt is any debt that you as a consumer take out personally. Consumer debt includes student loans, credit cards, car loans, boat loans and mortgages to name a few. In the US we have about 13.5 trillion dollars in mortgage debt between all of us. Over 1 trillion in student loans and roughly 850 billion in credit cards. These are some big numbers and as long as we are working and … [Read more...]
Debt Negotiation 101
Debt Negotiation is all about strength and weakness. It can be a stressful situation when the debt collectors keep calling and all you want to do the right thing for yourself but have no idea what that is or how to do it. On the other side of the phone are trained debt negotiators looking to squeeze blood from your turnip. With a well crafted understanding of their tactics you can stay in a powerful position. Here are … [Read more...]
Debt Consolidation for Bad Credit
Bad Credit Debt Consolidation If you have bad credit your debt consolidation options may come at a high price if even available at all. Let's discuss first what debt consolidation is and how it may help you. Put simply debt consolidation is a new loan that will pay off all of your other loans. It used to be that this was a great option because you could probably get a new creditor to pay off all of your other loans … [Read more...]